Talking Points

July 4, 2006

In Celebtation of our 230th Birthday

Filed under: Talking Points memo — talkingpoints @ 1:40 am

Our founding fathers brought forth a new nation so that we all may live in liberty – that’s the subject of today’s Talking Points memo.

Two centuries and three decades ago, a small group of men risked their lives, farms and families, and their futures to declare their independence from an all powerful dictator. And in so doing, they declared independent ideas that has endured over 200 years.

The idea of Monarchs, by virtue of birth, were entitled to govern was unchallenged until the birth of America.

If you read the founding document of that birth, the Declaration of Independence, (For those of you interested, I have a 50-page history of the Declaration of Independence) you will find that there were far more grievances than just excessive taxation which provoked the American Revolution.

A corrupted judiciary and political anarchy were among the grievances, as well as immigration and trade issues.

A long war and eleven years past before Americas founders were able to agree on a constitution.  And it was two additional years before the Constitution was ratified and the government of the United States of America was established.

There were anti-war dissenters who were content to live in terrine.  Content to see their children in terrine.  But they did not prevail.

Our Founders did not cut-and-run.  Nor did they redeploys. If there were journalists back then who tried to undermine the Revolution throughout the war, and the long march toward a constitutional government, with leeks and negative reporting – they didn’t prevail.

What prevailed was the spirit of that small group of men, who’s courage was to risk all for liberty, has been rewarded beyond measure, with a nation. America.  That has transformed the human race.

 And that’s the memo

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